Thursday, November 22, 2012

Happy Turkey Day/Thank You Nanny and Paula Deen

A few years ago I offered to bring the cranberry sauce as my contribution to Thanksgiving dinner at Josh's grandmother's house. I then discovered that cranberry sauce/relish is one of the most difficult things to make because you have to pop the cranberries perfectly and it's quite a science project. As with any food emergency, I went to my Nanny. She told me we could figure out cranberry sauce, but that it would be a better use of my time to just buy the cranberry relish from Nino's because theirs is the best. She then scoured her kitchen and gave me a torn out page from a foodie magazine with a Paula Deen recipe that I have used every year since. It is so simple and delicious! I really owe it to Nanny and Paula Deen on this one!

You will need:
A pretty glass dish or two
A package of cream cheese
Two table spoons of mayo
A cup of pecans
A nice container of cranberry relish (2-3 cups should be enough)

All you do is let the cream cheese soften and then mix in the mayo. 
Once it is nice and creamy, add in about a half of a cup of pecans.
Next you need to take the back of a fork and crush down the cranberry relish.
Then you simply layer them into your dish(es) and add some pecans on top.
Serve and enjoy!

This is seriously the yummiest addition to the meal and it makes for such a festive table decoration!

Every year at dinner my family goes around the table and shares what each of us are thankful for most. I am sure pretty much everyone else's family does the same. Every Thanksgiving there are both funny, ridiculous, and touching comments. I think the biggest hit of a response over the years was the year I was most thankful for my ability to wear nearly any shade of lip gloss. HAHA! This Thanksgiving I am thankful for so many things, most of all my friends and family (yes, Hank is considered a part of the family since I treat him as my child). My shoes come a close second.

Happy Thanksgiving!!!

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